Friday, May 1, 2009

*pats herself on the back*

Today, I am proud of me. In fact, I've been proud of me for quite a while now, but today, especially, I'm impressed with myself. Let's go back over the years of this blog and try to remember that I am mostly known as a sedentary soul. My job offers me no prospects for moving around. I sit at this computer all day and type away with no office mates or lunch buddies. I just sit. But, back in September, I joined that gym, remember? That moment has changed my way of thinking about some things. Not only have I dropped some weight, and changed my eating habits a little, I have now convinced myself that I can run. Well....I can run on the treadmill at least, but I promise you I'm thinking further into the future and it really does involve being outside. So what is my grand accomplishment? I ran 2.25 miles today without stopping. It took me 30 minutes at a very steady and obviously slow pace, but I did it. And, on top of that, I feel confident that I can do it tomorrow and the next day and again and again. So I will. And maybe, just maybe, one day I'll go faster or farther, but for today....just look at what I did!


Junebug said...

i'm proud of you, too.

Duble said...

Sweet, congrats.

IF you can run 2 miles you can run much further, just keep that in mind.

Abby said...

YAY Beej! That's fantastic!

And Jerry is absolutely right. One thing I remind people of - people that run 2 miles - is that the hardest miles are the first and the last. You're doing the two hardest miles. Throw some more in between. It's really not that big of a jump!

terri said...

YES!Way to go! I am proud of you too.

Anonymous said...

I started back running last year...all outside. But after beeing hit by a car, I am on the treadmill except for one long weekend run. There is a big difference between the two, but I do like not having to worry about not getting hit by a Buick in the gym....but the parking lot is right next to the treadmills. Maybe I'll move away from the window at the gym.

Deirdre said...

Sweet! Congratulations!!! :D