Monday, September 28, 2009

For shame, for shame...

If you pass by my house on foot or on your bike, or if you drive into my driveway in your car and check my meter, or if you come to my front door to visit, there's a very real possibility that my dog, who will be in the back yard, may start talking to you. And of course by talking to you, I mean barking incessantly and in the very most obnoxious way until you want to throw something at him. I'm not sure what he'll be telling you. It could be any number of things. For example "Hello person! I don't think I've made your acquaintance. How are you today? Do you have a tennis ball handy?" or maybe "Please go away kind sir, you do not belong here and I may have to do you bodily harm if you get any closer." I have no idea what he's saying because he is a dog and I do not speak dog. When the mailman comes, I'm pretty sure he's saying "Mail's here! Mail's here! Mail's here!" and when he sees a squirrel, I think he's saying "It's a squirrel! Squirrel! Hey! A squirrel!" Those are the only two that I think I understand for sure. At any rate, my promise to you, friend, is that he will bark.

What my dog will NOT do, however, is jump on you. If you are walking on the street, my dog will not come racing out to you and try to eat you because he will be locked up behind a gate. I have been frightened by too many dogs to ever allow my dog to scare you or your children when you're out for a walk or a bike ride. If I invite you into my home, my dog will not jump up on you and try to lick your face off due to extreme happiness at your presence because he will either be shut up in the laundry room or again, in the back yard, safely behind a closed door. If you venture into the back yard, I can't help you there. I will however, warn you of the dangers of dirty dog paws on your good pants if you choose to go out there, but I will STILL do my dead level best to keep him away from you.

I know you think your dog is sweet and would never hurt a fly and that he's only a puppy (even though he seems a lot like a horse to me) and that he would never bite (even if his bark sounds pretty harsh). The problem is that I am completely unaware of any of those things about your dog, and when he comes flying off your front porch at me growling, showing his teeth and acting like I'm lunch, it scares me. Heck, when he comes flying off the porch towards me and doesn't bark or show his teeth it scares me. Shame on you for letting him scare me. Shame on you for letting him run the neighborhood chasing me on my bike while I scream and worry about him nipping my ankles. Do you know how stupid I look when that happens? It's humiliating. Shame on you for making it difficult for me to have fun with my family in my own neighborhood. Shame on you for not honoring the leash laws of this city.

What you do in your own home is your own concern. If you let your dogs jump on the company, that's completely up to you. It's your house. I can't make you do any different, and if I don't like it I suppose I can steer clear. But please, let me be outside minding my own business without your dog interfering. Kthx.


Abby said...

Three cheers for responsible pet ownership!!

Cute pooch by the way.

Duble said...

why isnt' your dog inside enjoys some judge judy during hte day?

Anonymous said...

I spend a lot of days walking rental properties and I see SOOOOOOOOO any dogs. They all scare me and I am dog friendly and have two of my own.

I feel your pain.

brandy101 said...

oh yikes, so sorry you had that scare during your bike ride!

Herb said...

I wish I could type a 72pt font AMEN!!! I have written about this before. They should be beaten with a stout cudgel about the head and shoulders. Oh, not the dog, the owners! I agree with you!!!!!

Deirdre said...

I agree with you completely. I had to quit walking my dog because a lot of other dogs roam freely in our neighborhood and because my dog is very old and skittish, the yipper yappers running up to her would automatically send her into fear-induced aggression and I would have to ultimately carry her all the way back home. It's very very unfortunate. People anger me greatly over this.

Deirdre said...

By the way... your dog kind of favors my dog.

I have a Jack Russell Terrier... is that what yours is?

Adam said...

I used to be to same way about dogs, Beej. Especially after that one time the rotweiler chased me around...