Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Braces and Brothers

Litkia got her braces today. She was very brave and didn't do a lot of complaining until a few hours after the visit to the orthodontist. Luckily, we were told that this would be the case and the Advil was handy. She pointed to the place in her mouth that was most uncomfortable and told me that she thought the bracket on that particular tooth was too low. I told her that I felt like the orthodontist knew what he was doing when he put it there. She apparently thought about it for a while and came back to tell me that maybe I was right and possibly the bracket was low for a reason. She explained her revelation like this:

You know when you're pushing somebody in a swing and you push them by the head, they just fall out on the ground? But when you push them lower their whole body moves with the swing. They are probably just trying to get my whole tooth to move instead of making it just fall over.

This was good logic, but I seriously had a hard time getting past the part about her pushing somebody out of a swing by their head. How does she know the physics of toppling someone out of a swing by their head unless she's done it herself? Well, the obvious answer to that question is that someone has done it to her. I'll give you three guesses who might have done such a thing. Better yet, I'll just tell you it was Pateriko. He denies it vehemently but I don't believe him for one second.

It takes quite a bit of badgering to get Litkia to react. If she ever really yells, I know that whatever has been happening has gone way past the point of good natured pestering. I keep thinking it's a good thing she doesn't hold a grudge easily or the piles and piles of wrongs that have been done to her by her brother would have long ago come around to haunt him. But, having said that, I won't be surprised when it does. (Nor will I let it bother me in the least.)


Herb said...

Awww...like when the lady was asked why her children were having such a fierce fight, "Is it sibling rivalry?" "No, it's sible war."

Abby said...

I'll just say that it's a good thing for my older brothers that I am so easy going. I coulda taken them if I wanted to, Mom said so.

I've never pushed anyone out of a swing by their head. Add it to the bucket list?

terri said...

What a smart and funny kid! And it takes a lot to get her to react? Could she come work with my kids? Last night from the living room I heard both kids alternately yelling, "OW!" "Ow!" "Stop pulling my hair!" "Stop pulling MY hair." Hubby yelled up stairs for everyone to stop pulling hair. I rolled my eyes and said, "You KNOW that no one is really pulling ANYONE'S hair, right?" He didn't believe me until he heard the kids laughing. Turds.

brandy101 said...

aw, I remember those orthodontic-induced headaches. I hope it gets more comfortable for her soon!

Junebug said...

Be kinda glad. There is a battle going on in my house/car/wherever all the danged time.

Also, she looks great with the braces. Hope the hurt has subsided.

debbie said...

Paragraph 3 just had me laughing out loud. What a family!

Kngofnoiz said...

I just adore the picture, perfect brother / sister moment