It was a beautiful, sunny day and
Beej was sitting on the patio at the coffee shop with her friend Leslie, trying to focus on the sky and the breeze instead of the parking lot, when suddenly, there was a rustling behind Leslie's extra tall chair. The two of them turned simultaneously to see what the racket was. They saw an envelope that had been opened and kind of twisted inside out, scraping across the concrete, moving toward the iron fencing surrounding the patio. It was moving pretty swiftly.
Beej decided that when it got to the fence, it would surely get caught...but no! It flew under the iron bars and made it's way across the grass, headed for the coffee shop drive-through. "It escaped!", Leslie said with a smile.
Beej was a little surprised at her own sudden feelings of victory as she watched it make it's way across the drive, safely to the grass on the other side. It was surprising to the two women when the breeze picked it up and it landed gently in a puddle on the other side of the grass. They both
squealed a tiny squeal, and neither had any idea why, but they were rooting for it to make it wherever it was going. It started floating gently along the road and Leslie and Beej began discussing where the little envelope boat might be headed. About that time, a car came by and smashed it to the bottom of the puddle, thus ending it's short journey. The End.
I don't know why I thought that thing was going to get somewhere. The puddle ended a little further down the road. I guess I thought it might grow some legs and walk out of town.
It reminds me of that famous French film, The Red Balloon.
Too bad it became roadkill-esque litter instead of free-floating litter.
Hmmm...Perhaps it's an allegory...
I'm gonna look that up Brandy...Netflix is my friend.
Perhaps Herb...although it truly happened just like that (almost).
Brava! I give it 4 stars! The ending was SO unpredictable!
I hope that wasn't anyone's water bill...
You're silly!
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