Tuesday, November 4, 2008

3 Wishes

If I could have 3 wishes...

#1 - That people would do what I said to do, when I said to do it and how I said to do it.
#2 -

Wait...is that one or three all mixed together? No matter. #1 seems to cover it.

Go vote today. I'll be casting my vote for McCain for a long list of reasons, some of which seem to be more worthy than others, but we all know I don't talk about that stuff here. Just go vote your convictions as it is your right and your duty.

Happy Tuesday my peeps!


GeekieChick said...

Hi, Beej. Sorry I haven't been around much. I try to check your page as often as I can....

Oh, and I voted, too.

...for McCain.

Duble said...

I voted for Obama. Twice :-)

well not twice, but I voted last week.

Just wanted to mention that it is our duty right and privilege to vote.

Anonymous said...

hey, you look good, lady. you look like you have lost some weight. good job.

btw, i'm voting after work.
- the great

Beej said...

Oh! The GREAT! I always did love you best...

and yes...18 pounds! Everyone can clap now.

Abby said...

Well, YEAH I voted. Bought some cookies too.

18 pounds?! I vote for Beej!!

Herb said...

Too bad Beej didn't run cause I'd have voted for her. How long of a period of time did it take for 18 pounds. Just curious. (Hope that's not an ungenteel question...)

Will someone PLEASE talk Condoleeza Rice into running?

Beej said...

I guess it started about 9/17 and about half of it was within the first few weeks. The rest was slower...so...over about a 7 week period. I'm still working on it because there are still clothes in the closet I can't wear.

Condoleeza isn't a bad idea AT ALL!