Thursday, November 20, 2008

Peaceful, satisfying things

After spending time looking at that original snowflake posted down there on this blog somewhere, something just wasn't sitting right with me about it. Turns out (according to the pattern) that it has one point more than it should have. I've been practicing a little and I think I'm doing better, although I can definitely see places on every snowflake that make me wonder what was going on in my head while I was working on it. Maybe the untrained eye will never know the difference and they will pass Christmas tree inspection. At any rate, my crochet therapy is working wonders and I feel a mystical peace while I'm working....except for those times when I'm scrunching up my nose, cursing and ripping out stitches because I screwed something up.


There is nothing worse than having a song stuck in your head all day and being unable to remember all the words, or how the tune goes. It's the most peaceful, satisfying feeling evAR when you can finally come to a place where you can find the song and listen to it in its entirety. It's like relief. Niiiiice.

It is also a very peaceful and satisfying moment when you know your Christmas shopping is all done and now you can just sit back and enjoy the holiday, drinking hot cocoa around the fire and listening to the carolers singing pleasant songs at the window. Too bad that peace never shows up over here until about December 24th. I should really start thinking about making a shopping list.

One more thing. Peaceful is the moment when Beej has caught up at work. I really hope to feel THAT peace this evening, but I'm not holding my breath. You see, I seem to be playing wordtwist at facebook and blogging about crocheting instead of working. This is a dilemma and it requires that I muster all my determination to work toward peace instead of entertainment. So far....nope.


brandy101 said...

Have you tried that new, noisy Word Twist ladder version? The noise totally distracts me and I get such stanky scores!!!

Best of luck finishing your work tonight!

southernutahgirl said...

love the snowflakes. keep searching for those peaceful feelings they are out there somewhere.

Beej said...

I hate that wordtwist. We should tell somebody we hate it in case they decide to do away with the other one.

sHug - Thanks...I intend to.

Herb said...

So, like, peace out?