Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Recap

The kids and I had a great time in Tennessee over the Thanksgiving holiday. The food was great and everybody seemed to be in a good mood and on their best behavior. We played some dominos, did some hiking and went to a double feature at the drive-in in the freezing cold. All of it was fun. My sister is a great cook. I wonder where she got that from. I don't cook. I burn stuff. Maybe I wasn't paying attention way back when. She inspires me to try harder, but whether or not I will remains to be seen.

So here are some pics from the trip because it's not my blog if I can't bore you with the details.

Here are the cousins minus one and plus a boyfriend, zombied out playing video games. This seemed to happen quite a bit. They never even knew I was there.

Here's the domino game after Thanksgiving dinner and before the pies were eaten. I won 2 out of 4 games. I think that makes me the official wiener. That's my brown sleeve at the bottom left. My mama is top left. My brother-in-law's brother is next to her. This guy named Dennis from Jamaica is across from Mom (he's 65...he doesn't look 65 does he?). The others you can't see, but there were 7 of us playing. That's my sister's hand bottom right. She's cute huh?

Here we have the cousins perilously near death at the Fiery Gizzard Trail. What a beautiful place. We hiked about 2 miles or so, but for some reason it seemed to be all uphill.

These are the crazy people that sat in the back of the truck for the drive in movie. It started raining and they were forced to move into a car before the second movie started, but they braved the cold for as long as possible. We saw Bolt, which I thought was just great. The second feature was High School Musical 3 and I have to admit I fell asleep. The kids were in a different car, and they had no desire to see that one so they just tuned the radio station to the movie playing behind them (Madagascar - Escape 2 Africa) and turned around and watched that one.

And finally, me and my sister. This is not CB, this is the other one. CB was in Spain as mentioned in a previous blog entry. She was a lovely hostess. It was good to spend time with her. And yes, I am wearing a Sponge Bob shirt that I stole from Pateriko, which was given to him by Coco, who got it from who knows where.

A good time was had by all.
I missed the gym while I was gone. Isn't that weird? I was antsy, thinking about all the food I was eating and all the exercise I was missing. Tomorrow will be difficult I think, but I'm pumped. Let's see if I can drop a couple of pounds this week. Go Beej!


brandy101 said...

Great pics! That hiking trail is intriguing.

We hung out mostly at home, and played cards (Kings in the Corner), Scattergories, Monopoly, and Risk (until my daughter had a tantrum, arguing about the rules of the game!)

Abby said...

Wait a minute... "Fiery Gizzard" trail? Okay, there's a story behind that one I bet.

Looks like a fun gathering, the way it should be. You missed the gym? I'm sure it missed you too. Have a fun reconciliation.