Monday, February 23, 2009

Bad Boys II

In my rush to talk about evil shoplifters last night, I omitted the most amazing story of all. Dirty Larry said they caught a guy a few weeks ago, that he actually knew as a customer at a jewelry store he managed several years ago. The man is 65 years old and very wealthy. At the time he was caught shoplifting, he had $600 in his pocket and a $28,000 Rolex on his wrist. Guess what he was taking? A $2.75 Godiva chocolate candy bar. He actually finished eating it as they were detaining him, I think as a sign of his indifference. Apparently, he had never been caught stealing in the store before, but he was marked as suspicious on so many occasions, they used the candy bar theft as a way to issue a "trespass" and keep him out of the store.

I still don't get it even after a good night's sleep.


brandy101 said...

They do it for the thrill. Obviously the guy has all he needs and is bored.

Can you imagine how amazing the world would be if people like the candy bar thief channeled their boredom into tithing to charity and volunteer work? Waste is the WORST.

Abby said...

I think, like brandy says, it's more like a hobby for some. That whole life-on-the-edge thing!

They should bungee jump instead maybe?

Anonymous said...

How very Winona Ryder! I wonder how he's going to be penalized for getting caught? Does he simply pay a fine? Does he get barred from ever entering the store? Does he do community service? Sometimes I wonder if a slap on the wrist is enough.

Herb said...

Maybe they could use a sliding scale and if you are like really poor and steal a loaf of bread from the sale rack you get a slap on the wrist, but if you are as rich as this guy, you get put in the stocks in town square. For the first offense.

Anonymous said...

Scientists done studies on addictions: There is a chemical in the brain called dopamine that is conneected to "pleasurable" activities, i.e. going to an amusement park, sex, drugs -- that is released -- for this guy it is probably triggered by stealing. Most of us are able to control these urges from pre-frontal cortex, but with addicts, the mid-brain takes over -- the pat of the brain that craves -- and they cannot control their impulses.

That's why dug addiction should be treated as an illness and not a crime.

Anonymous said...

Note how the damn 'r' key on my keyboards doesn't work!

Anonymous said...

Note how the damn 'r' key on my keyboards doesn't work!