Friday, February 27, 2009

Well I never!!

I think something may be wrong with us. My family, I mean. I've come to notice over many years of observing human behavior, that people are just prone to belch, blow their nose and experience flatulence occasionally. My family does none of those things. Well...okay, we do those things, but we certainly don't do them in front of each other and certainly not in front of anybody else. This morning, I decided it was a sickness. I think our behavior may be abnormal. I was sitting at the table and Litkia jumped up and left the room. She got a Kleenex and started blowing her nose in the next room. Now, I SAY she was blowing her nose, but it was the most pathetic blowing of a nose I've ever heard. It was like she was purposely trying to be quiet. I yelled to her from my seated position, "BLOW IT for Pete's sake. What GOOD are you doing like that?" So she just gave up being shy about the noise and blew it. In the car later I asked her a few questions, like "WHY are you embarrassed to blow your nose in front of people? Did I do that to you? Did I tell you that you should be embarrassed about blowing your nose in front of people? Do you think other people feel the same way that we do?" She had no answers for me. I started telling her about my friend who tends to burp a lot and how she's never embarrassed about it. Litkia named her immediately; almost without hesitation. The reason she KNEW who I was talking about is because she has NOTICED. It isn't normal behavior in her eyes and I'm sure my friend was judged harshly in Litkia's head. It goes WAY beyond just trying not to be offensive to people, it's more like a moral issue or something. You know? Like....people who are willing to make disgusting noises in front of other people can't possibly have a personal relationship with Jesus. That's bound to be wrong thinking. I should be more accomodating. So I will try, but I'd be lying if I told you it didn't bother me.


Paul Mitchell said...

Beej, I applaud you teaching your kids manners. Please don't stop that. Blowing noses, burping, all of that jazz is never meant to be done in public. I liken those things to digging in your ear with a car key at the dinner table. Yes, I have seen that done in a a restaurant, too.

Sorry, to do those things in public is what you would expect someone from BOSTON to do.

brandy101 said...

A twist on that...

the dog we recently adopted farts, as dogs often do, but hers are AUDIBLE. Like, really NOISY little doggie farts.

She shows no shame or embarassment in her gassy symphonies. I, however, want my human companion sot at LEAST say *excuse me!* and blush a little if they let one!

terri said...

I don't think there's something wrong with your family. Somewhere along the line, it seems to have become not only acceptable, but funny to belch and pass gas in front of others. I don't care how accepted it becomes, I could never do it.

Anonymous said...

We have the same battle in this house between family members...the adults. My son and I am on one side and my wife and daughter on the other...You'd think the guys would be pro-body noises, but we really don't want to hear it.

Abby said...

The testosterone jungle in which I live is filled with all sorts of "jungle" noises. Unabashed, right at the dinner table, and so on. Try as I might, I just get, "I didn't know it was coming!". Oh please.

Jenny Hintze said...

We are definitely tooters in this family. Often our farts are introduced by "Why know what??" We have class, baby, yeah!!