Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hic sunt dracones

Here be dragons. I was told today that this Latin phrase was found written on the edges of many historical maps where the world was still unexplored and mysterious. I did a little research and only found one or two instances where this was the case, but it seems to be such a widely known fact that I'm unsure what to believe. It's not like I have access to a lot of historical maps. At any rate, it stirs up in me the desire to see some dragons. There is so much world that I have not seen. There are so many things that I have yet to experience. If "hic sunt dracones" was meant to scare me, it failed miserably. I admit that a handful of years ago I wouldn't have felt the same way. I was afraid of all things new and of everything I didn't understand. I feel quite a bit differently today, and I guess I can honestly say that the thing that scares me now is the possibility that I will never get to meet those dragons. My concerns are justifiable for reasons that I won't go into here, but justifiable nonetheless. I think in light of the circumstances I may have to let sleeping dragons lie, even though waking them would be immensely more fun in my way of thinking. I need to find a way to be okay and even fulfilled while skating on the edges of the unknown without ever actually making my way over the border to uncharted territory. How does one go about doing that? If I could figure that out, then I could sell the solution for a bankload of money. I could then choose to use my newfound knowledge to be okay with things the way they were or use my windfall to buy a ticket to dragonland. Who wants to guess which one I'd pick?


Duble said...

Watch the travel channel and have a lu-owl party, I realize that can't possibly be the right spelling, but it conveys the message.

brandy101 said...

Girl, I hear ya.

These days, *exotic* for me means trying a new entree at the Chinese restaurant. But that is ok.

I was hoping to take a small but exciting trip this year to a town I have never visited, but the logistics (read: money) just seem a bit risky.