Thursday, February 12, 2009

I tried using asterisks in place of the two S's, but it looked stupid to me.

I know that some of you (TwoDogs) are not as enamoured of facebook as I am, but like Brandy says, it's a magical website. Tonight I was there, looking at and thinking about my friends, old and new, and I realized that a large percentage of them, especially the ones I feel closest to, are pretty much wisenheimers. Before I go any further, I need to clear something up. Beej went to the thesaurus to find a nicer word than wiseass, since we are all fully aware of the blog rules and how we don't say stuff like that, and wisenheimer seemed to be a Beej-like choice. Also, I did not know that wiseass is spelled like a compound word. You learn something new every day. But, I digress.

As I was saying, most of the people I choose to be around are people I have to compete with to get a little stage time. For just a moment tonight, I wondered why in the world I do that. Then I remembered something that Dirty Larry has said many times over the years. He says that you are only as good as those you surround yourself with. I think it's something akin to laying down with dogs and getting up with fleas, possibly. Or maybe iron sharpening iron. What I'm trying to say, my friends, is that I choose to blame my sarcastic demeanor on everybody else. I am a mirror, reflecting only what I see before me (which now that I think about, could possibly be an explanation for why my skin has been so dry lately). I don't remember being like this when I was younger. I think I used to be a very nice person. Now, before you start getting the idea that I'm repenting of my sharp tongue, let me assure you that I don't intend to change, at least not on purpose. I like it this way and I think I'll try harder to stay away from overly happy, bubbly people, just in case they rub off on me. I'd hate to turn back into the bowhead that I once was. Bad thing is that I live with shiny, sparkly Dirty Larry who told me that maybe I should rethink using the word wiseass on my blog. He's gonna be my downfall for sure.


Unknown said...

Well, I never.....

Paul Mitchell said...

dl, you had to say it to tell her not to publish it.

Just remember, the only way to get better at golf is to play with folks that you cannot beat starting out.

Your sarcasm and biting tongue comes from wanting to be better at it.

Beej said...

Just to be clear here, dl, who says he not Dirty Larry, but Dirty Larry's brother,and I can assure you he HAS.

This was all a buncha hooey anyhow. I'm just kinda mean.

Junebug said...

yeah, well it takes a smart a** to know a smart a**. (wonder if that should be a compound word as well)

brandy101 said...

My parents used to use the term *wise-acre*. I like that one.

I think its actually more effective to use the *** in place of certain letters when typing a cus (or quasi-cus) word! It makes the cus stand out even more ;p

Personally, I think our Magical Place is the melting pot for sarcastic, sardonic, ironic, and other -ic forms of humorously-intended expression.

Abby said...

*a wiseass looks up "bowhead"*

Herb said...

I try to use wiseacre, too. I am only on my first cup of coffee and have only visited You and Abby so far so I don't have a lot of witty rejoinders yet.