Saturday, April 18, 2009

These are a few of my buggiest things...

  1. It bugs me that this guy I know just spelled the word 'coming' with two m's, like 'comming'. I just think since he's 42, he's had plenty of time to see that word spelled correctly by now and should realize his incredible wrongness. I wouldn't mind so much if it were a typo, but I know in my heart of hearts that it just wasn't. And along that same line of thinking, there is somebody that I will not name here that uses the word centurion in place of the word centenarian. I wouldn't care so much, but this person is completely brilliant and again, should just know better.

  2. It bugs me that my hair is falling out at such an alarming rate that I will more than likely be completely bald by the time I get in to see the doctor in May for my scheduled appointment. I went to a funeral yesterday and the lady sitting in front of me had SO VERY LITTLE hair that I could see straight through to her scalp and I just could NOT concentrate on anything else for thinking about my own danged head.

  3. When I buy a fresh pineapple and spend all that time sticking myself and generally being uncomfortable while preparing it to be eaten, and then ask my kids to take the top out to the yard and plant it, it bugs me that they inevitably pick the absolute worst place in the yard to put it. It's usually somewhere NEAR a flower bed, but actually in the grass in the yard. I spent a little time walking around digging them up the other day and replanting them in a bed where they have a better chance of surviving a lawn mower incident. I still can't believe those things continue to live and grow. It's actually very cool and not as buggy as I originally thought, now that I've typed it all out.

  4. The Terminex man really bugs me. No pun intended. (Well OBVIOUSLY it was intended). Anyway, for starters, he is a creepy little guy. When he came a month ago for the annual termite thingy, he admitted to standing outside my bedroom door in the hallway listening as I typed dictation. I'm sorry, but that's just creepy. Then Thursday, when he was here spraying for bugs, he saw a snake in the backyard. He came to the door and said in a very quiet voice so the children wouldn't hear, "I don't want to alarm you or anything, but I saw a snake in your backyard". When I asked him if he got it, he said "no" and when I asked him what kind it was he said "I don't know", to which I responded, "Oh come on! Aren't you supposed to know that kind of thing?" He said it was "blackish and about 3 feet long". I could tell he wanted me to get all upset but I just couldn't give him the satisfaction. Yeah, he pretty much bugs me a LOT more than that pineapple thing.

  5. It bugs me that I would rather do ANYTHING than work today, including typing up a ridiculous blog post about absolutely nothing. I should really get back to it now, even though my heart is


terri said...

I get bugged by spelling and grammar mistakes too, even though I constantly spell exercise wrong (excercise) and occasion (occassion.) All over the blog world, I see people unable to spell the word ridiculous. Use your spell check, people! And even slang terms. "You know" is not spelled "yanno." And don't even get me started on the use of the word "prolly."

Sorry for ranting in your comments! I feel so much better now.

Beej said...

I totally use prolly all the time, but the difference is that I KNOW it's wrong. I CHOOSE it.

Junebug said...

thank you. i feel better now.

Anonymous said...

1. Maybe he jjustt haas sooome fatt fingers annd cann''t help itt.

4. Bug guys are supposed to be creepy. The onger the guy is with the company, the creepier he gets. It is something to do with all of those chemicals that are "safe"...

5. We are worse...we are commenting.

Herb said...

Spelin airers bug me, two. Seriously, there are some blogs i cannot go to because I can't get past the ridiculous spelling. Done by kollij ejucated peeple, to. Sum peeple don't use too correctly, neither.

Abby said...

"My bad" <-- that bugs me. Just sayin'.

I never knew that fresh pineapple tops continue to live if you plant them. Really?!?

Standing outside your bedroom while you type dictation? Yah, that's creepy. Admitting to it, maybe moreso. How's his spelling?

Squidsquirts said...

Ha! Too scared to comment, now, knowing that my typing skills don't always keep pace with my spelling skills, which are normally flawless. Also, I get so excited by posts, that I respond in a typing frenzy, which doesn't help. Bad spelling bugs me, too. Particularly your/you're.

Beej said...

Now I feel all bad about talking about spelling errors and such. I must admit that Junebug texted me after she read this and told me that I had a typo in there, which I corrected. It's not that mistakes bug me. I mean it. I make mistakes ALL THE TIME. It's the obvious NOT KNOWING ANY BETTER and being a SMART PERSON to boot. See?


Everyone is safe from ridicule here. I promise.

brandy101 said...

Do you recall my story about the very creepy Sears carpet cleaners he-she??? I think he/she and your Terminix guy should get together...they would make quite a pair!

Deirdre said...

I can't stand it when people creep me out and I can't figure out why. It's just... creepy.