Monday, May 25, 2009

Fool me once...shame on me...

I don't like cantaloupe. I just don't. I like the color and the smell and I like how it looks on a plate straight from the cold fridge, but when I put it in my mouth I am surprised each and every time that I just do NOT like it. I think I probably should. Oh! And what about the dessert bar at a Chinese restaurant? It all looks pretty nice, but seriously...none of that stuff is worth putting in your mouth.

And then there's mustard potato salad. I assume that I don't like it, but when Dirty Larry buys it and then offers me a bite, I decide that I do like it after all. I would NEVER buy mustard potato salad on purpose. My brain immediately tells me no. But like I said, my tongue inevitably decides yes.

Here's the part that I just don't get. Why do I have to go through that process of convincing myself EVERY STINKIN' TIME it happens? It's like a brand new thing I've never experienced, even though I've experienced it numerous times in the past. It's a new, brilliant revelation each and every time. You know, it's kind of like childbirth. If a woman who gives birth is willing to go through that process YET again, it's more than likely because she's totally forgotten what happened the first time around.

I think since this is MY blog and I get to make up the rules here, I'm okay with comparing childbirth to the taste of a stale fortune cookie. And yes, I do eat those things even though the majority of the population apparently does not. You know why? Because EVERY TIME I get one, I's a cookie! I'm bound to like it.


Paul Mitchell said...

It is NOT a cookie, it is polystyrene insulation. And furthermore, THAT is NOT a fortune, either.

Cantaloupe SUCKS.

brandy101 said...

ok, I like cantaloupe but NOT from the Chinese buffet!

Sometimes watermelon can be hit-or-miss, too.

Actually all fruit - even ones you typically love - can be downright AWFUL. Mealy apples, tart grapes, flavorless plums, and horror of horrors, the slimy pomegranate seeds.

debbie said...

I would never eat potato salad without mustard!

Deirdre said...

I love cantaloupe!

That's funny how you can't really decide what you like. :P


Duble said...

Cantaloupe sucks, I fall for its inviting presentation every once in while myself, I have a big mouth full and then I think this just sucks.

How do you knwo the fortune cookies are stale? They can't all be stale, but they all taste the same. It is my hypothisis that they're made that way, fresh or old they taste the same.

confucious say: Everyone loves a cookie!

Herb said...

I love cantalope and miss real german potato salad and like fortune "cookies."

Abby said...

I'm proud to say that I have finally broken the chinese fortune cookie spell. I no longer eat them, just demolish them to get to my fortune. Maybe that's why we're not having any more kids.

Cantaloupe? Never touch the stuff.