Friday, May 8, 2009 noggin!

My boy, Keifer Sutherland, who is on probation, (probably for killing somebody), has now gone off and head-butted a guy and he's gonna be in big trouble. Now, my question is...why, why, why in the world would a person make Jack Bauer mad enough to cause him to want to head-butt them? Does this person never watch television? I KNOW for sure why he's such a bitter, frightening man. His parents named him Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland. That's plenty enough to make you want to murder people.

The saddest part is that this unfortunate head-butting event happened so close to Jack Bauer appreciation day which falls on May 9th. Please my friends, let's think about our amazing friend, Jack, together, one last time before they cart him off to jail.

You know it really doesn't matter. He'll escape.


Paul Mitchell said...

Ask Keebler how he liked getting throw out of Two Rivers on his HEAD for making advances on someone's WIFE.

Any ideas who THOED Keebler?

Beej said...

What language are you speaking?

Paul Mitchell said...

Telephone commenting language. Keebler bounces when thrown.

Duble said...

do you watch 24?

When do these people sleep?

Anonymous said...

I have to think that growing up with "fame" all around had to play with the mind a bit and kind of throw reality out of the window.

Abby said...

I clicked your obvious link, but just got a blogdrive page asking me to login.

I watched "24" once and thought it was stupid *looks around paranoidly, waiting for repurcussions from that remark*, but I do have a cool Jack Bauer messenger bag I use for work.

Junebug said...

this season of 24 is KILLING me. have you been watching? (i already know the answer)