Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oscar Wilde Week #2 - Consistency

"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." -Oscar Wilde

6:15 - Wake Litkia and get dressed.

7:15 - Take Litkia to school.

7:30 - Go to the gym.

8:30 - Go home to work or occasionally meet a friend for coffee.

12:00 - Eat cheese and triscuits.

2:15 - Go pick up Pateriko from school.

3:00 - Go back to work and yell at kids about homework and turning down the music.

4:30 - Continue to work but get that nagging in your head about what these people are going to eat for dinner.

5:30 - Actually start worrying about dinner, but play Wordtwist on Facebook with Jerry, Abby, Brandy or anybody else who will play instead of cooking.

6:30 - Greet Dirty Larry as he comes home and realize I never figured out what to do about dinner. Go to the kitchen and look around for about 10 minutes and then try to throw something together.

8:00 - Start yelling at kids about winding this day down.

8:30 - Tell Liktia to go to bed. This lasts about 45 minutes for some reason so I have to start a little early.

9:45 - Get in bed with the laptop and watch as many episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" that I can pack in until my eyes get tired.

11:30 - Sleep.

Lather, rinse, repeat daily times 5 days then have the weekend.

I don't remember what it is that I do on Saturday. On Sunday I go to church and then I take Litkia to choir at 5:00 and meet my friend for coffee while Litkia is singing. Then we go home and do the yelling at the kids about winding down thing again.

I am so consistent it makes me cry. There is no spontaneity in this life I lead.

Hello, my name is Beej, and I am boring.


Junebug said...

I have plenty of words I use to describe you. Boring is not one of them.

Herb said...

Maybe we can start Boring Anonymous?

brandy101 said...

I know! I play word twist when I should be scrubbing the bathroom or folding laundry...

Abby said...

Yeah, my bathrooms are dirty. Anyone for wordtwist?!

I could do a similar post, but it would just be boring.

Duble said...

If your're worried about consistency eat less fiber.

At least every so often you're routine will be broken up this way.

Anonymous said...

Toss some dancing in there at some point. It's sure to put a smile on your face!