Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pass the Kleenex please

Have you ever had a moment where you stopped and realized that you felt really good? Nothing was hurting, your sinuses were clear, no aches, no pains, no nothing? And maybe at that moment it occurred to you how lucky you were?

Yeah, that hasn't happened to me today.


Paul Mitchell said...

What you need is a big, ol' bowl of chocolate and cheese soup while laying in a whirlpool tub, ma'am.

Or get up and wash, fold, and iron clothes.

Whichever is your figurative comfort food.

Abby said...

I had one of those just reading this!

brandy101 said...


I hope you cheered yourself up with some free makeup!

Beej said...

I wasn't eligible!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so late to this convo- but I was missing you and your charm so I stopped by- I am so happy to see this happy! I had a short happy moment today, cause my boy was so good in school today for the first time in a long while, there is HOPE! There is HOPE I tell ya