So there is this person. I will not name any names but their initials are T.H.E.D.E.V.I.L. We have played Scrabble together for quite some time. We had a little hiatus when this person was away from the desk for a couple of months, but when they returned, I started a fresh list, showing who won and who lost each and every game. It was important to me because I am insane and I needed to win more than I lost and the obsessive/compulsive portion of my brain needed desperately to keep a record separate from my other Scrabble opponents. I'm posting a picture here of my little list, started on an Amitiza note pad, which, by the way was free, given to me by a friendly drug rep.
All of this was to say that I need to add a new page to my list, but the more I think about it, the more I think I should just bow out gracefully. It's making me mean and angry. I don't think I'm normally a mean and angry person. On the other hand, maybe it's building character. But hey, I feel like I have plenty of character without being called a heifer or being forced to look at a score that I know in my heart of hearts is just baloney. Madness!
"What to do? What to do?" she said as she taped another page to the bottom of the list and started drawing lines. I'll guess I'll just go ahead and fill in this next line with the name of the new game T.H.E.D.E.V.I.L. just started. "Gonna Catch Up 15-11" (my big fat hiney! it's 21-14!).
(Click the pic for a big version. I did erase some stuff to keep the identity of T.H.E.D.E.V.I.L. a secret.)
This is funny. You are so mean.
I knoooooooow! And I almost don't even feel bad...
Nothing wrong w a tiny bit of OCD. Or a lot...
this si why you should play online, you can still keep record and it doesn't require much work.
but that being said my chess record on yahoo is 1213-2130-139 I need to have a winning streak to get over .500
You are playing with thedevil and don't understand why there are lies and insults?
actual scrabble or lexulous or???
I'll play you in a game anytime. Although somehow I never get game notifications; that's why I am almost always the last to finish the word twist games!
It's facebook scrabble brandy.
So this is ONLINE scrabble? Where it keeps score for you? How is there a discrepancy? Girls, is playin, that's how... Makes my bowels irritable...anybody got a recommendation for that?
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